Why Coaching?

Why Coaching? What’s all the fuss about anyways?

You wouldn’t be the first to scrutinize and even to question the coaching industry. With the coaching industry remaining unregulated, quite literally anyone can call themselves a Coach. This of course leads to a market saturated with coaches who have little to no knowledge or experience in the skills necessary for actually coaching. However, for the coaches who have gone above and beyond certifications, programs, mentorship and continuing education. For the ones who have put in their time and coached clients through the good the bad and the ugly, I can say this…. there is no better profession I have found to serve me at the highest level. I have yet to find a friend that can remain as unbiased, skilled and strategic of a listener. No associate that can abstain from sharing opinion or refrain from advising (that’s not coaching). When referring to a truly experienced and competent coach, there is no more suitable professional to support a person through the many intricacies of life on a consistent and on-going basis.

Fly by night coach? No thank you! Experienced, seasoned, professional coach? Yes, please!

Here’s why…. Using a coach has been shown to improve self confidence in 80% of clients. Improved relationships in 73% of clients. 73% Improved communication skills. 67% Improved their work life balance. Nearly 86% of businesses that hired a coach say they at minimum made their return on investment. 96% of clients would hire a coach again!

A coach helps you create intentional time to focus on what is most important to you. They help you create measurable goals and support you with consistent accountability. A coach offers new perspective on old problems and can even challenge your old ways of thinking if it’s not serving you. You get to experience less frustration when your coach comes alongside you to create new plans and strategies to get you to your goals faster. A good coach can not only save you money but help you make more! A great coach can help you fast track yourself to your desired results saving precious time, our most valuable resource.

So, why coaching? Why not coaching?

You be the judge. Interested in a coaching experience of your own? Click the “Apply Now” button on the home page.

Crystal Meagher

Master Life & Financial Coach on a mission to support and improve the lives of a chosen few exceptional entrepreneurs.
